Animal Rescue Albania: Our Dogs

All dogs featured in this album are rescues, found in desperate conditions surrendered to their predestined fate of dying in pain and neglect.

They have seen the worst in humanity! Despite being abandoned, abused and unwanted they have forgiving hearts still able to love. Few are old and can’t keep up with the younger ones and the more energetic but still they enjoy life and act playful at times.

These dogs are special to us but they don’t have “YET” families of their own. Maybe, if someone takes a chance and gets to know them better, that someone will see them as special as we do.

They have their stories of suffering and survival, maybe they are not picture perfect or young puppies but just stop for a second and think it over: a dog’s life is short and in their case truly unfair but you can make a difference in the life of one of them.

Not all that is store bought is always the best, you know it. Just look beyond what your eyes see and focus on what is substantial, CARE & LOVE!

Article Originally sourced from Animal Rescue Albania