12,000 bears need rescuing from evil, cruel bile farms

Over twelve thousand bears live miserable lives on evil, cruel Asian bile farms, according to Jill Robinson, founder of Animals Asia. They are mainly moon bears, but some are sun bears and brown bears. Many are caged so tightly they can’t move and have catheters inserted into the gall bladders, or surgically manipulated “holes” to cruelly syphon off the fluid.

But Jill reports progress. “Animals Asia has signed a memorandum of understanding with the Vietnamese Government to end bear farming by 2022. That means rescuing about 400 bears from Vietnamese farms, where the cruel trade is illegal.”

Animals Asia over the past 26 years has rescued 640 bears. The charity founded in Hong Kong by Jill and others now operates bear sanctuaries in Chengdu in China and Tam Dao, Vietnam.

The Animals Asia bear sanctuaries have vets who treat animals physically and psychologically harmed by cruel cage confinement and bile extraction once they arrive from the farms. The bears are cared for, given comfortable dens and a semi-natural environment in grassy enclosures. Animals Asia staff collect evidence of the extent of the harm done to the bears and promote public education programmes that show the herbal and synthetic alternatives to their bile.

More good news from China: “The decision by authorities to remove dogs (and by default cats) from the national livestock list and make the sale of their meat illegal is the cherry on the cake of our founding goals. As our Cat and Dog Welfare Department now focuses on the all important enforcement side of the decision, we know that the way ahead will be tough — but we know too that the rule of law is firmly on our side.”