Heartbreaking moment foal gets its hoof stuck inside travel mug dumped in the New Forest
Heartbreaking footage shows a foal limping after getting her hoof stuck in a Doctor Who travel mug that was dumped in the New Forest by a careless tourist.
Visitors have been warned to stop littering in the Hampshire beauty spot after the two-month-old filly, named Blackwell Night Night, got her front right hoof jammed in the metal cup.
The object was stuck on the young foal overnight until its owner, Jenny Tillyer, was able to locate the animal and finally wrestle the mug off.
Video footage shows Blackwell struggling to keep up with her mother as the metal mug restricts its ability to walk.
Ms Tillyer, 65, has urged members of the public visiting the New Forest National Park to stop endangering the environment by dropping litter.
The New Forest, which is famous for its ponies, was last year voted the best national park in Europe following a poll by Trip Advisor.
Campaigners there have long urged visitors not to litter, as it is a persistent problem in the area when tourists visit over summer.
Ms Tillyer is a New Forest Commoner - a group of people who have historical rights allowing them to graze livestock on the open forest.
She is keeping an eye on the foal who may have sustained shoulder damage.
Faces of recent Doctors including David Tennant, Matt Smith, Peter Capaldi, and Christopher Eccleston can be seen on the mug.
Ms Tillyer said she set off to rescue Blackwell in the Stoney Cross area of the New Forest following a call.
With help from Mike Maton - an Agister in the New Forest who specialises in the local landscape - they led the foal and its mother Blackwell Moonchild to a local pound.
Ms Tillyer, from nearby Fawley, Hants, said: 'Mike was able to hold her still, she sort of jumped and put her front feet up.
'From there, I grabbed it and was able to wiggle it off.
'It's amazing it didn't come off on its own but I think she was pushing it on as she was walking.
'There's no wound or anything like that but I'm not sure if she's bruised.
'And by walking like that it's possible her shoulder is sore. I suspect she jumped around when it first went on which could have tweaked the shoulder.
'She's still lame at the moment so I'm keeping an eye on her.'
Ms Tillyer added: 'The mug must have been the perfect size for her foot.
'It's one of those travel mugs that is nice and firm metal. Luckily there are no jagged edges.
'There was no wound which is a relief. If it was sharp it could have done some serious damage.
'There's a car park up there, it's probably come from there. It could have been down by the campsite, there's lots of places where it could have come from.
'I don't understand the mentality of people ruining the place by chucking litter around.'
'Some of it is carelessness, some of it is laziness. There's just no respect for the place.'
'It hurts me to see it. I'm always picking up stuff, every day out on the forest I see stuff.
'It does cause problems and it's bad for the environment and bad for the view.'
Mr Maton, 45, from nearby Longdown, also warned tourists about dropping litter.
He said: 'The foal was very fortunate it didn't break its leg. It only takes one twist or turn and its leg could have broken.
'People need to be aware everyone is entitled to come down to the forest but remember to take away everything you brought with you.
'This incident might have worked out okay but another time could be different.'
Gilly Jones, a campaigner for road and animal safety in the New Forest, said online: 'If it wasn't for the member of the public who reported this, no one would have found her.
'The New Forest have two Public Spaces Protection Orders in place, one making petting or feeding ponies, donkeys and mule an offence.
'The other states lighting a fire or place, throw or drop items likely to cause a fire. This included BBQs.
'It's too late for Night Night, she is still very sore, and might have long term damage to her shoulder.
'We need YOUR help... Leave nothing but footprints. Take home your litter.'