Slaughter of lamb is sign of 'Black Magic' warns councillor

The ritual slaughter of a lamb found in a Cleethorpes park is 'a sign Black Magic' says a councillor.

Organisers of the Sidney Park Junior Football Club made the gruesome discovery before their Saturday practice. Gareth Kaye told how club members walk the pitch to clear it of any debris.

He noticed a bag with a swarm of flies and inspected the inside of the bag next to some bushes. He said he was horrified by the discovery and is convinced it is the remains of a ritual slaughter of the lamb.

He visited a number of homes along Park View on the western side of the Cleethorpes park. A number of residents said they heard a commotion at around 1am.

Gareth said: "It was horrible. This is an area used by young footballers. We were all shocked. Initially we thought it was a poodle dog which had been dumped.

"But when we saw the little trotters we realised it was a sheep. We rolled it over and it stank and was covered in flies.

"Everyone walked away. It was upsetting. It had been decapitated and it had been butchered. There was a sealed bag with urine. Why would anyone do that to a lamb? People said it was satanic ritual. But to me it shows no compassion for an animal. It is senseless."

Ward councillor for Sidney Sussex, Marie Green said: "The lamb's head had been removed and the lamb disemboweled. There was a bag of urine beside it. It makes you think it has been some kind of animal sacrifice or Black Magic."

The carcass was removed later in the day by staff from North East Lincolnshire Council.