Stop the reckless fish farming around the Scottish Isle of Arran

As you read these words, an island of just 5,000 people is gearing up to battle a worldwide fish farm bully. The Scottish Salmon Company plans to surround Scotland’s picturesque Isle of Arran with a grotesque super-sized salmon farm.

Without your help, this toxic factory farm could fill the crystal-clear waters with dead fish and feces. Seals that get too close could be shot, and ear-splitting sirens will be set-up to drive them away from their home.
You can stop this hellscape from becoming a reality. That’s why Arran locals have asked for your help today.
We have just days to convince authorities to reject this mega-farm. To do that, we need evidence of the danger to marine life. If you chip in today you’ll rent them an ocean-defending boat -- so Arran’s ocean defenders can scour the seabed and prove that precious protected animals live in these waters. 
It could be the silver bullet they desperately need but they can’t do it without your help -- please, can you chip in to save our oceans from fish farming?