
How restoring native predators can help tackle the invasive species crisis – Dr Joshua P Twining and Professor Xavier Lambin

In Scotland, and across Britain and Ireland more widely, we have been particularly successful, long ago extirpating the last of the wolves and lynx with which we once shared ecosystems and confining other predators to small remnants of their historical ranges.

Last day of Yulin 2022... but it's NOT over

Fears for native red squirrels after grey species invades NI beauty spot

An invasion of grey squirrels at a beauty spot outside Eglinton is threatening the native red species.

The North West Red Squirrel Group (NWRSG) said the problem was affecting Muff Glen, 2km south of the village.

Big cats discovered being illegally kept in Norfolk village

A Cromer resident has been convicted for illegally keeping two serval cats without a licence. The individual admitted to the offence of keeping dangerous and wild animals without authority of a licence, under Section 1 (1) of the Dangerous Wild Animals Act.